1. Local SEO will become more important.
Local SEO is already a priority area for anyone looking to rank on Google. With AR, you can scan the code through your mobile device and get all the information you need about the business. You can check reviews and ratings and get images. The Wikitude or Yelp apps will help you share augmented reality experiences based on location. For example, you can make a special offer to someone who is close to your business.
2. Immersive digital technologies will become more popular.
AR will change the way you build your website. This opens up the possibility of providing users with a truly immersive and engaging experience. Such experiences may have a combination of both physical and virtual elements, and they may have different applications.
3. Visual search and interactive content will be widely used.
In an effort to provide the best user experience, Google has included image and voice search features. To further enhance the experience, they are also investing in AR projects like Tango and virtual reality (VR) projects like Daydream. Overall, its vision is to maintain its leadership as the most widely used search engine in the world.
As AR-based content becomes more popular, you can expect it to take up more space on search engine results pages (SERPs). For forward-thinking companies, AR should be part of their overall content marketing strategy.