Useful tips for increasing profits from selling online

1) Increase page speed

If the download speed is slow enough, you should increase it. According to research, shoppers may abandon a purchase if a product page takes longer than a few seconds to load.

2) Optimize your website for mobile devices

82% of online shoppers in the US shop using mobile devices. If the site is optimized, the probability of a successful purchase is 67%. If not, then the likelihood that the buyer will choose another site increases by 61%. Keep in mind!

3) Simplify your design

The simpler the design, the easier it is for the buyer to understand it. Increase the presence of white, simplify the details. Moreover, it will help the site load faster, which brings us back to the first point.

4) Improve Your Copy

According to a recent study of online marketers, copy was named as the number one element having the greatest impact on conversions.

5) Use high-quality visualization

The text itself will not interest the visitor, so you should think about choosing suitable pictures and videos.

6) Push the customer to buy

The average shopper relies on product reviews just as much as they rely on professional opinion. Therefore, it will be better to place reviews on your site, do not force the visitor to look for reviews somewhere else.

7) Sell unfinished purchases