Various traffic sources for your website

There are many sources of website traffic, from organic traffic to email to paid search traffic.

Organic Search

Organic traffic occurs when a visitor clicks on a link from a search engine result. To increase website traffic from search engines, enhance your high-traffic pages or blog posts with additional content, keywords, and rich media.

Referral Traffic

Referral traffic occurs when a visitor comes to your site from another site, such as news outlets, business directories, and other sites that don’t fit into the social media basket. In today’s digitally-driven supply chain, shoppers do most of their business online, and if you want to increase traffic from referral sources, list your website on all relevant business directories like Google My Business, YP, and Thomasnet .com.

Electronic Traffic

Email traffic occurs when a visitor comes to your website by clicking on a link in an email. To increase web traffic from this source, align content marketing with your email marketing strategy. Set up automatic email marketing campaigns to grow your segmented lists of leads and customers through regular emails.

Direct Traffic

Direct traffic occurs when a visitor comes to your site by typing your site’s URL directly into the browser. This is common if your website matches your business name, as some browsers will automatically fill in and direct the user to their destination without going to a search engine.

Paid Traffic

Paid traffic is when a visitor comes to your site by clicking on a digital ad. These can be networks like Google, Bing, or any ad network/exchange that you pay for to show other places on the web. It’s worth experimenting with your ad scheduling and using different types of paid ads to see what works for your audience.